of Tingxuan Wu
Wu, T., Feng, C., & Li, L. (2023). A comparative study of R packages for shared frailty models. Under review by Statistics in Biosciences.
Wu, T., Li, L., & Feng, C. (2023). Z-residual diagnostics for detecting misspecification of the functional form of covariates for shared frailty models. arXiv, page 2302.09106, 2023. Under review by Journal of Applied Statistics.
Wu, T., Feng, C., & Li, L. (2023). Cross-validatory Z-Residual for Diagnosing Shared Frailty Models. arXiv, page 2303.09616, 2023. Under review by.
Wu, T., Li, L., & Feng, C. (2023). Z-Residual Diagnostics for Detecting Non-Proportional Hazards for Survival Model. Under review by Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
- Li, L., Wu, T., & Feng, C. (2021). Model diagnostics for censored regression via randomized survival probabilities. Statistics in Medicine, 40(6), 1482–1497.
- Schmidt, K., Feng, C., Wu, T., & Duke-Novakovski, T. (2021). Influence of maternal, anesthetic, and surgical factors on neonatal survival after emergency cesarean section in 78 dogs: A retrospective study (2002 to 2020). Canadian Veterinary Journal, 62(9), 961–968.