About Me
Tingxuan Wu is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at the University of Saskatchewan. Their specialization encompasses statistical methodologies and data analysis, with a primary research focus on the development of innovative model checking methods. Tingxuan excels in coding using R, Python, and SAS and is deeply committed to advancing statistical analysis to derive meaningful insights.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Saskatchewan, 2023.07 - present
Ph.D., University of Saskatchewan, 2023, School of Public Health, Biostatistics.
M.Sc., University of Saskatchewan, 2018, School of Public Health, Biostatistics.
B.Sc., University of California, Davis, 2012, Statistics.
Research Interest
Statistical machine learning, survival analysis, model checking, residual diagnostics
Highlights and News
Z-residual: An R package for computing Z-residual for survival models and generalized linear models.
A demonstration for checking the functional forms of covariates, Github page for downloading the package.
Cross-validatory Z-residual:
A demonstration of cross-validatory Z-Residual for diagnosing shared frailty model.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Saskatchewan
106 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5E6 CANADA
Email: tiw150@usask.ca
Homepage on Github: https://tiw150.github.io